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Item (Fort Bend COVID-19 Dashboard)

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ID 500df67661d246239b30652fc5f867af
Owner ds_hhsgis
Uploaded Oct 23, 2020
Modified May 31, 2022
Name N/A
Title Fort Bend COVID-19 Dashboard
Type Dashboard
Type Keywords ArcGIS Dashboards, Dashboard, Operations Dashboard
Description The Fort Bend County COVID-19 dashboard captures the number of cases, recovered and deaths as well as the historic timeline for those numbers. The county only has several county sponsored testing sites for which we update the number of tests daily. The gender, age and ethnicity of the individuals testing positive for the virus has been captured as well as the status of those cases. We expect that the elements of the dashboard will change as we move through this strange time. Our primary objective is to convey the message of the FBC HHS team who have been tirelessly managing this crisis for months.
Tags Coronavirus, COVID-19, Public Health, Coronavirus Response, Emergency Response, ArcGIS Solutions, Fort Bend County, cases, FBC cases, Fort Bend, Texas, Dashboard, Health and Human Services, Sugar Land, USA, United States
Snippet A dashboard that shows Fort Bend County, Texas's COVID-19 cases, deaths, testing numbers, etc.
Extent N/A
Spatial Reference N/A
Access Information Texas Health Trace
License Information N/A
Culture en-us
Properties N/A
Advanced Settings N/A
Url N/A
Proxy Filter N/A
Last Modified N/A
Size 66144
Documentation N/A
App Categories N/A
Industries N/A
Languages N/A
Listed false
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